Level Design Work
Detective's Office
The detectives office is the hub area for Soul Detective. It's an area for the player to rest between levels or for players to pause the game and to come back to it. The level is also a spot for the player to upgrade their skills using expiereince gained in the other levels, and to also walk around getting more info about the game world. It was built in the Unity game engine using custom made assets that I requested from the art team.
Unit 301
The purpose of this level was to get familiar with the Unreal engine by creating an realistic apartment using the freely available assets on the Unreal marketplace. Additionally the goal of this level was to gain an understanding of how to light a level and how Unreal's lighting system works. It is a static environment not built with moving around in the space in mind.
Disaster in orbit
This level was serving as a demonstration of increased knowledge of the Unreal engine. Once again it was made using assets on the marketplace. The level had to fit the theme of "Satellite" and in addition to looking nice it also had to be a space where people could play a short gameplay experience. The experience was designed and programmed in by myself, in addition to the level construction.